Dental Implant Consultation
Step 1: Meet your Doctor
During your initial, free consultation you will meet Dr. Geleris - the doctor who will be performing ALL of your dental implant procedures from the start of treatment to the final smiles. During this consultation Dr. Geleris and his team of highly qualified assistants will ask you about your goals for the treatment and what your ideal end result would be. He and his team will also collect information about your medical and dental history, and take a CBCT x-ray to evaluate your suitability for dental implants.
Step 2: Get your plan
Based off this information, he will formulate an individualized plan that includes YOUR GOALS. Rather than the one-size-fits-all treatments (e.g. All-on-4) offered by some dentists, Dr. Geleris can provide many different options, from implant supported dentures, to fixed bridges, to replacing each tooth with an implant.
Step 3: Get your price
Before you leave, you will be provided with an estimated timeline of your treatment, and all-inclusive price quote covering everything required from the beginning to the end of your treatment. Once you receive this quote, it will be honored. You'll never pay a penny more for your treatment than our initial quote.
"You'll never pay a penny more for your treatment than our initial quote."