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All-on-Four? Better-on-six
All-on-Four is a treatment modality for replacing all of the teeth in a single arch (either upper or lower). It is called All-on-Four,...

I've got my implant. Why wait for the crown?!
One of the most frustrating things for dental implant patients is waiting for healing. After implant placement we wait four to six months...

Braces and Implants
Braces, used to move teeth, are usually associated with nerdy junior high kids in movies. Orthodontics has come a long way since the practic

Short Implants
Before we place implants on any of our patients we always take a 3D x-ray called a CBCT scan. This allows us to measure the amount of...

Saving your Natural Teeth
"Our objective should be the perpetual preservation of what remains rather than the meticulous reconstruction of what is lost" -- Dr....

I broke a front tooth! What do I do?
In dentistry we have a name for the area of the mouth consisting of the front six to eight teeth. We call this area the "aesthetic zone"....

Case of the Day: Missing Back Teeth
This case is a great example of minimally invasive implant placement using technology. This patient came in to our office stating that he...

What the heck is an abutment?!
There are three main components to most implant restorations. There is an implant, which is the titanium post that is implanted in the...

What is a dental implant?
For my first non "Welcome" post on Smile Again, I thought I'd start out with something rather basic, but foundational. What are Dental...

Welcome to Smile Again
Welcome to Smile Again, my blog about dental implants. I started this blog for two reasons. Firstly, I enjoy writing. Putting digital pen...
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